The Point Blank Range daily range fee is $25.00 per shooter which is good for the entire day! We don’t watch the clock, and you don’t have to watch the clock. Our fee is a true all-day fee. You can shoot till you get hungry, go eat, and come back with your paid receipt to get back on a lane!
Free range day pass included with each new firearm purchase.
If you rented prior to purchasing a new firearm on the same day, show the cashier your range receipt. You will receive a credit on the firearm purchase for your initial rental fee for one caliber.
Senior Days are Monday through Friday until 1:00pm for guests who are 60 years of age or over. On those mornings, as long as you check in prior to 1:00pm, seniors receive a discount off of their range fees! Just $15 to shoot! You do not even have to leave by 1, just make sure that you check in by then. The range pass will be good for tyhe entire day.
Ladies Day is every Thursday at Point Blank Range. Every Thursday, for the entire day, ladies enjoy $15 range fees and free rentals. That's right, it is just $15 to shoot and free for the rental.
Law Enforcement & Military Personnel also receive a discounted range fee of $20 anytime during business hours. Must show current or retired credentials to the Range Safety Officer. In addition, to honor your service, law enforcement, military, and all first responders are eligible for our Annual HERO membership packages which offer a lower rate with the same benefits as our standard memberships.
T-Shirt Tuesday is the first Tuesday of every month. Come show your PBR Pride by shooting in your favorite Point Blank Range Tee! If you do, you will receive $10 off your range fee for the day!