The Beginner AR-15 Fundamentals course is designed for anyone wishing to learn more about the AR-15 platform. Whether you are a first time AR-15 owner or you have been training with them for years, this class is for you. In this class you will learn about the history of the AR-15, characteristics, nomenclature, disassembly, preventive maintenance, cleaning and inspection, sights and adjustments, and optics and accessories. You are encouraged to bring your personal cleaning kit and note taking material. There will be a live-fire practical application in this course.
$100 - $125 (To Rent Rifle)
Materials Covered
History of the AR-15
Nomenclature and cycle of operation
Disassembly and reassembly
Shooting fundamentals
Cleaning and maintenance
Shooting fundamentals and zeroing
Required Materials
50 rounds of ammunition
AR-15 rifle
Registration and prepayment is required. If you prefer to register in person, please visit the store and see a sales associate.